Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rare Roman Coin: All In The Hunt

It is a great feeling for a Zapper to find a nice Rare coin like the one posted with this article. I cleaned a group of crusty coins and found some pretty nice coins but this one was the most rare of the group. There is something very exciting about finding a very nice coin beneath the layers of crust. I think of it as a treasure hunt.

Many members share the same with me and tell me they love the hunt. They too get a real rush from finding a special coin or even a simple and nice common Roman. If you are not into Zapping don’t get started because you will be hooked! I have Zapped thousands of coins in the past few years and I still get as excited as I did years ago.

The premium crusty Romans are a bit more difficult to find than in years past but I have a small hoard of premium Romans I pull out now and then. As with other things the coins have escalated in price and still kick myself for not investing in more crusties. I hope you enjoy taking a look at this coin and if interested in knowing what I know I will be happy to share. Thank you for reading and God Bless.. Jerry..


Kyle & Suzanne said...

Congratulations Larry, for turing the big 7-0. And thank you for your words of wisdom. They are so valuable and worth hearing.

Thank you also for your wonderful blog. Though I mostly just read and rarely comment, I have gotten so much out of it, and have used your plans for building my own electrolysis kit.

So THANK YOU and happy New Year.


Nico Ryan said...

Wow! That coin looks really priceless! I wish to be lucky enough to pick up something like that. I can't find the time to zapp and seeing that coin made me wish i could. Thank you for this article, if it can't motivate people into zapping it will definitely draw them into collecting or buying coins. If anyone wants to start in buying coins, I highly recommend Superior Discount Coins for a place to start. They will show you why starting to invest in coins is the smartest thing you can do for yourself.